#1 Digital Marketing Training Institutes In Bowenpally

Onclick Digital Marketing Academy Is The Leading Digital Marketing Training Institute In Bowenpally Offer Indeapth Practical Training on Digital Marketing As Per The Industry Enroll Now For The Free Demo 

Introduction About Digital Marketing Course

Learn digital Marketing From The Industry Experienced Trainer With Real Time Exposure. Learn & implement How To Do Market Analysis, Advertising, Measuring & Re-Marketing Methods Enroll Now For The Digital Markeitng Course At Onclick Digital Marketing Academy Hyderabad



Onclick Digital Marketing Academy in Bowenpally , Hyderabad, is a leading digital marketing training institute offering different modules in various aspects of digital marketing. They are  industry-oriented curriculum, designed by experienced professionals, to provide practical knowledge and handson experience through live projects.Onclick Digital Marketing Academy allows students to work on case studys about various industries to explore and gain more practical knowledge.

TOP Courses

Our Best Courses


We Are Providing Advance Digital Marketing With AI Tools Course . We Are Providing Both Offline & Online Training Sessions By Industry Experts.


SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website (aspects like Content, Website Architecture, Links and Web Pages) to maximize organic traffic from search engines.We Are Providing Best SEO Course In Hyderabad With Assured Benefits. 


Google Ads is the Online Advertising Platform of Google where Advertisers bid on keywords to display their Ads on Search Engines. We Are Providing Best Google Ads/ PPC Course In Hyderabad . We Will Show Our Resl-Time Campaign Projects.


Social Media Marketing Is Helpful To Grow Organically . It Is Helpful To Showcase Our Brand. We Are Best Social Media Marketing Training Institute In Hyderabad .


We Will Teach ” How To Create Non Coding Platform Using CMS Platform”


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Social Media Marketing Is Helpful To Grow Organically . It Is Helpful To Showcase Our Brand. We Are Best Social Media Marketing Training Institute In Hyderabad .


We Will Teach ” How To Create Non Coding Platform Using CMS Platform”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellusluct. Ipsa nibh vestibulum, non.

Why Choose Onclick Digital Marketing Academy

Onclick Digital Marketing Is Best Digital Marketing Training Institute In Hyderabad With 100% Placement Assistance

9+ Years Of Industry Experienced Trainers

Currently We Are Maintaining 9+ Experienced Industry Trainers With Diversify Knowledge On Different Domains.

5+ Certifications In Digital Marketing

After Completing the course , we will provide 5+ certificates to boost up your profile.

3 Months Internship For Every Student

We Are Ready To Provide 3 Month Unpaid Internship To Our Students.

Placement Training & portfolio Building

We Are Providing Seperste Sessions For Placement Training , LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Mock Interviews.

100% Placements

We Are Very clear to provide 100% Placements

Business Case Study

You Need To solve business case study , You Need to find out what Marketing strategies they are using.

Onclick Digital Markeitng Course Content

Sodales imperdiet nunc quia omnis maecenas cubilia, purus, dolor! Est volutpat aliquid, elit excepturi.Laoreet! Sodales imperdiet nunc quia omnis maecenas.

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Scope of Digital Marketing
  • Requirement of Digital Marketing
  • Latest Trends in Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing for Working Professionals
  • Digital Marketing for Small, Medium, and Large Businesses
  • Job opportunities in Digital Marketing
  • Basic Navigation
  • Templates
  • Text and Typography
  • Images and Elements
  • Color Palette
  • Backgrounds and Layers
  • Shapes and Lines
  • Brand Kit
  • Collaboration
  • Exporting and Sharing
  • Advanced Features
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Design Basics
  • Creating Presentations
  • Social Media Graphics
  • Poster and Flyer Design
  • Logo Design
  • Print Materials
  • Animation
  • Photo Editing
  • What is Website?
  • What is Domain Name
  • Types of Domains
  • Domain name suggestions
  • Premium Domains
  • Register a Domain Name
  • Web Hosting Concepts
  • Domain/Hosting Business
  • Types of Websites
  • Popular CMS
  • What is WordPress
  • Benefits of using WP
  • WordPress Installation
  • Admin Interface Basics
  • Default Settings in WP
  • Types of Themes
  • Theme Settings and Customization
  • Managing Themes
  • Content management in WP
  • Categories, Tags and Posts
  • Pages and Sub Pages
  • Custom Content Types
  • Adding a menu to the website
  • Plugins and Widgets
  • Using Plugins in Site
  • Adding widgets to the website
  • The Best Plugins in WP
  • Practical WordPress Project Example
  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • Types of Keywords
  • Keyword Research Methodology
  • Business Analysis
  • Product/Services Categorization
  • Google Keyword Planner Tool
  • In-depth Analysis with Keyword Planner
  • Other Keyword Tools
  • Competition Analysis
  • Manual Competition Analysis
  • Paid Competition Analysis tools
  • MOZ Tools
  • Additional Chrome Extensions
  • Finalizing the Keywords List
  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • Types of Keywords
  • Keyword Research Methodology
  • Business Analysis
  • Product/Services Categorization
  • Google Keyword Planner Tool
  • In-depth Analysis with Keyword Planner
  • Other Keyword Tools
  • Competition Analysis
  • Manual Competition Analysis
  • Paid Competition Analysis tools
  • MOZ Tools
  • Additional Chrome Extensions
  • Finalizing the Keywords List
  • Introduction to On page
  • On page Analysis Methodology
  • Fundamental On-page Factors
  • Domain name in SEO
  • Importance of HTTPS
  • URL Optimization
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Tags Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • Heading optimization
  • Internal Links
  • Image Optimization
  • Social Signals & Footer
  • Introduction to Off page (Link Building)
  • Link Building Guidelines
  • Types of Backlinks • Link Analysis Tools
  • Directory Submissions
  • Local Business Submission
  • Classified Posting
  • Q & A Backlinks
  • Blogging & Blog Comments
  • Guest Blogging
  • Press Release
  • Document Sharing
  • Other Advanced Strategies
  • Website Speed Optimization
  • Speed Analysis Tools
  • Sitemaps Generation
  • Robots.txt File
  • URL Redirecting Techniques
  • Canonical Links
  • Rich Snippets
  • New Updates in On page.
  • Google Search Console
  • What is Search Console
  • Features of Search Console
  • Site Verification Process
  • Location Targetting
  • Search Performance Tool
  • Link Analysis Tool
  • Manual Actions
  • Sitemaps Tool
  • Fetch as Google Tool
  • Crawl Errors Analysis
  • The Latest updates in Search Console
  • What is Local SEO?
  • Importance of Local SEO
  • Submission to Google My Business
  • Optimizing the GMB Profile
  • Local SEO Ranking Signals
  • Local SEO Negative Signals
  • Citations and Local Submissions
  • Google My Business Analytics
  • Algorithm Recovery Process
  • Types of Penalties
  • Manual Actions
  • Apply for Reconsideration
  • Algorithm Update Recovery Method
  • Compare the Before/After date
  • Panda recovery process
  • Penguin recovery process
  • Mobile friendly update
  • How to use DisAvow Tool
  • Reports Analysis
  • Google Analytics Reports
  • Search Console Reports
  • Website Position Analysis
  • Website Monthly Reports
  • Backlinks Reports
  • Paid Tools for monitoring
  • What Is Blog
  • Creating Blogs
  • Updating Blogs
  • Monitization Of Blogs
  • What Is Google Sites
  • Creation Of Google Sites
  • Updating Google Sites
  • Getting Traffic For Sites
  • Introduction to Paid Advertising
  • Google Ads Account setup
  • Interface Tour and Billing Settings
  • Account Structure
  • PPC Campaign Settings
  • Ad Group setup
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Keyword Research Tools
  • Ad Formats & Guidelines
  • Ad Extensions
  • Understanding Ad Auction
  • What is Quality Score
  • Factors to improve Quality Score
  • Actual CPC Calculation
  • Types of CPC’s
  • Bidding strategies
  • What is Conversion?
  • Implementing conversion tracking
  • Calculating ROI
  • What is DSA ?
  • Create a DSA Campaign?
  • Segments and Filters
  • Search Terms and Ad Auctions
  • Customization Tools
  • Generating Reports
  • Google Ads Express
  • What is Ads Express (Smart Campaign)
  • Benefits of Smart Campaign
  • Creating Campaign for Local Results
  • Bidding & Budgets Setup
  • Ad Creation
  • Reports
  • What is Display Advertising
  • How Display Ads Works
  • Creating a Display Campaign
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Targeting Option in Display Network
  • Exclusion options
  • Ad Formats and Sizes
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Display campaign reporting
  • What is Remarketing?
  • Benefits of Remarketing Strategy
  • Types of Remarketing Audience
  • Building Remarketing List
  • Building Custom Audience List
  • Creating Remarketing Campaign
  • Remarketing Ads Design
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
  • What is Shopping Campaign
  • Google Merchant Center account
  • Creating Business Store
  • Types of Product Feeds
  • Product Feed Properties
  • Dynamic Product Feeds
  • Creating a Shopping Campaign
  • Defining Product Groups
  • Monitoring Campaign
  • Reports of Shopping Campaign
  • State of Mobile Usage
  • Benefits of Mobile Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing Goals
  • App Creation Strategy
  • App Optimization Service (AOS)
  • Universal App Campaign
  • Call Only Campaign
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Reporting in Mobile Ads
  • Google Account Access
  • Access Levels
  • My Client Centre (MCC)
  • Google Ads Editor
  • Export / Import Details
  • Shared Library Features
  • Importance of Video Marketing
  • Types of YouTube Ads
  • Location Targeting
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Automatic Targeting
  • Adgroups Setup
  • Targeting Options in Video Ads
  • Types of Ad Formats
  • Ads Cost Options
  • Measuring the Results of Campaign
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Introduction to Bing Ads
  • Creating Bing Ads Account
  • Bing Ads Campaign
  • Exporting the Campaigns
  • Generating Reports
  • Bing Ads Certification
  • Introduction to SMM
  • What is Social Media?
  • Benefits of using SMM
  • Social Media Statistics
  • Goals of Social Media Marketing
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Types of Facebook Account
  • Personal Account Setup
  • Facebook business page setup
  • Types of Business pages
  • Cover Photo/Video Design
  • Page Settings & Options
  • How to Increase Facebook Likes
  • Facebook Content Strategy
  • Types of Posts and Statistics
  • Facebook Advertising
  • What is Facebook Ads
  • Types of Objectives
  • Popular Ads Campaigns
  • Defining Target Audience
  • Types of Targeting
  • Bidding & Budget Settings
  • Types of Ads
  • Designing FB Ads
  • Setup of Facebook Pixel
  • Conversion Tracking Pixel
  • Remarketing Strategy
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Twitter Marketing
  • What is Twitter?
  • Benefits of Twitter
  • How brands use Twitter
  • Customizing the profile
  • Profile Photo & Header Image
  • Types of Tweets
  • Content strategy for Twitter
  • How to increase Followers
  • Post your First Tweet
  • Analysis of Big Brands
  • What is HashTag?
  • Hashtags and its uses
  • How to use Trending #Tags
  • Tools for Twitter marketing
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Twitter Ads
  • Setup Twitter Ads Account
  • Types of Campaign
  • Create your Campaign
  • Followers Campaign
  • Traffic & Conversion Campaign
  • Targeting Options • Bidding & Budget
  • Twitter Ad Format
  • Image Ads • Video Ads
  • Twitter Cards
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Measuring Results (KPI’s)
  • Remarketing Strategy
  • Targetting Remarketing Audience
  • What is Video Marketing
  • Statistics of Video Marketing
  • Creating Channel in YouTube
  • Customizing the YouTube Channel
  • Types of Video Formats
  • Create video marketing strategy
  • Upload the First Video
  • Video Optimizing Tips
  • Video Settings
  • Cards, End Screens & Sub Titles
  • How to use Playlists
  • YouTube Creator Studio
  • Features of Creator Studio
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Increasing Subscribers
  • Understanding copyrights and spam
  • LinkedIn Marketing
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Benefits of LinkedIn Network
  • Create a LinkedIn profile
  • Optimizing the profile
  • Skills and Endorsements
  • Creating new connections
  • Posting content in profile
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • Finding Jobs on Linkedin
  • Creating company page
  • Customization of page
  • Posting on LinkedIn Page
  • Why LinkedIn Ads
  • Types of Campaigns
  • Creating a Campaign
  • Bidding & Budget
  • Target Audience Settings
  • Types of Ads
  • Leads Generation Campaign
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Creating a Remarketing Campaign
  • LinkedIn Ad Reports
  • What is Instagram
  • Instagram statistics
  • How Brands use Instagram
  • Creating Instagram Account
  • Types of Instagram Accounts
  • Linking Instagram with Facebook
  • Tour of Instagram App
  • What works in Instagram
  • Types of Content (Posts & Stories)
  • Post Designing Tools
  • Stories & Highlights
  • Importance of Hashtags
  • How to use Hashtags
  • Popular Tools for Instagram
  • Engagement Metrics
  • Instagram Analytics
  • Instagram Ads
  • Types of Campaign
  • Creating your Campaign
  • Measuring Results
  • What is Slideshare?
  • Benefits of Slideshare
  • Create Slideshare Account
  • Optimizing the Profile
  • Top Slideshare Profiles
  • Document Creation Strategy
  • Types of Documents
  • Creating Documents
  • Optimizing Document
  • Embedding Documents in Website
  • Engagement Metrics
  • Slideshare Analytics
  • What is Pinterest?
  • Pinterest Statistics
  • How brands use Pinterest
  • Creating a Pinterest Account
  • Types of Accounts
  • Customizing the Profile
  • Pinterest Strategy
  • Boards on Pinterest
  • How to manage boards
  • Pins and Links
  • Generating Engagements
  • How to use InfoGraphics
  • Integrating Pinterest in Site
  • Engagement Metrics for Pins
  • Pinterest Analytics
  • Advertising options on Pinterest
  • Quora Marketing
  • What is Quora?
  • Quora Statistics
  • Benefits of Quora Marketing
  • Top Quora Users & Brands
  • Creating Quora Account (Personal/Company)
  • Optimizing the Quora Profile
  • Following Topics & Users
  • Understanding the Quora Policies
  • How to Answer the Questions
  • Engaging with Users
  • How to Increase Followers
  • Quora KPI’s
  • Quora Stats Tool
  • Creating Quora Ads Account
  • Types of Campaigns
  • Types of Audience Targetting
  • Bidding & Budget Settings
  • Types of Ad Formats
  • Implementing Conversion Tracking
  • Remarketing Integration
  • Types of Remarketing Audience
  • Creating a Remarketing Campaign
  • Measuring Results of Campaign
  • What is Email Marketing?
  • Importance of Email Marketing
  • Popular Email Marketing Software’s
  • Email Marketing Goals
  • Introduction to Mail Chimp
  • MailChimp pricing structure
  • Account setup and settings
  • Email marketing strategy
  • Creating a Subscriber List
  • Integration of Forms in Site
  • Import subscribers in list
  • Types of Email marketing campaigns
  • Email Marketing Campaign
  • What is Newsletter
  • Design a Newsletter
  • Analysing Reports of Campaign
  • What is Inbound Marketing?
  • Why use inbound marketing
  • Know your Target audience (Buyer Persona) Analysis
  • Stages of Inbound Marketing
  • Types of Content
  • How to generate Ideas.
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Lead Generation Technique
  • Landing Page Designing
  • How to Close Customer
  • Customer Delight Stage
  • HubSpot Certification
  • Introduction to Analytics
  • Implementing Analytics Code
  • Setup of Conversion Tracking Code
  • Types of Reports
  • Audience Reports
  • Acquisition Reports
  • Behaviour Reports
  • Conversions Reports
  • Google Tag Manager
  • What is RMT ?
  • Why we need RMT
  • Examples of RMT
  • Areas to analyse in RMT
  • • Search Engines
  • • Blogs & Websites
  • • Review Sites
  • • Complaint sites
  • • Social Media
  • Search Engine RMT Strategy
  • Autosuggestion & Related Searches
  • Search Engine Results
  • Image Search Results
  • Blogs & Websites RMT
  • Solutions for external websites
  • Complaint Sites RMT
  • Managing Reviews
  • Popular Review Sources
  • How to get Positive Reviews
  • How to respond to Negative Reviews
  • How to handle Fake Reviews
  • How to Manage Social Media RMT
  • Popular networks for RMT
  • Common RMT Issues
  • How to handle the issues
  • Action Plan for RMT Project
  • Tools for RMT
  • What is Google AdSense
  • How is Works?
  • Top AdSense Earners [Global / India]
  • AdSense Guidelines
  • Finding the Niche
  • Important Factors for AdSense Success
  • Types of AdSense Account
  • Applying for New Account
  • Create you first Ad
  • Ad Formats and Sizes
  • Bidding Models
  • Best Practices for Ads
  • Integrating Ads in Site
  • Blocking Sites & Categories
  • Reports Analysis
  • AdSense Optimization Tips
  • What is Remarketing?
  • Benefits of Remarketing Strategy
  • Types of Remarketing Audience
  • Building Remarketing List
  • Building Custom Audience List
  • Creating Remarketing Campaign
  • Remarketing Ads Design
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)
  • What is YouTube Monetization?
  • What is YPP?
  • Eligibility Criteria for YPP
  • Most Popular Niches in YouTube
  • Top YouTube Channels
  • How to Select Niche
  • Types of Video Content
  • Guidelines for YouTube Publishers
  • How to apply for Adsense
  • Checking Advertising Revenue in YouTube
  • Reports in Google AdSense
  • Optimizing for YouTube Revenue
  • What is Affiliate Marketing?
  • How Affiliate marketing works
  • Types of Affiliate Networks
  • Top Affiliate Marketing networks
  • Affiliate marketing payment models
  • How to Find Profitable Niche
  • Develop your Affiliate Website/App/Property
  • Apply for Affiliate Marketing network
  • Amazon Affiliate Network
  • Integrating Amazon Products
  • How to promote Affiliate Products
  • Measuring Results on Affiliate sites
  • What is Freelancing?
  • How does freelancing works ?
  • Offline Freelancing Business
  • Registering Company
  • Initial Business Guidelines
  • Documentation & Quotes
  • How to manage clients
  • Online Freelancing networks
  • Create a Profile in Fiverr.com
  • Optimizing your Profile
  • Create your Gig
  • Types of Gigs
  • Optimizing the Gigs
  • How to Price your Gigs
  • How to bid on projects
  • How to handle the clients
  • Project management tools
  • Asking for reviews from clients

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Mobile : 9346775340

Address Location

Bowepally ,Hyderabad, Telangana